HUMANICEMOS DH is a Civil Organization for Humanitarian Demining that arose from the Peace Agreement between the Colombian Government and the FARC-EP, which advocates for life and environmental sustainability in Colombia.

It is made up of people in the process of economic and social reincorporation, who have knowledge of the living conditions of the communities and their environment.

HUMANICEMOS DH is a Civil Organization of Humanitarian Demining – COHD – created within the framework of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP. The organization fosters life and environmental sustainability.

It also develops other components of the Integral Action Against Antipersonnel Mines – AICMA – for the benefit of the communities and the development of economic and social activities in the territories.

HUMANICEMOS DH is composed of people in the process of economic and social reincorporation, who know the living conditions of the communities and their environment.

The organization is active in the Republic of Colombia.
HUMANICEMOS DH is an COHD with international projection, which reflects and represents friendship and solidarity among peoples.

HUMANICEMOS DH is a structured and autonomous Humanitarian Demining organization; consolidated in its administrative and operational capacity. It is known as an organization that performs and executes its processes with high quality, recognized because of its operational safety and efficiency.

HUMANICEMOS DH is also known for its good practices and results, obtained through the continuous improvement of its management processes. Thanks to its financial, administrative, technical and operational consolidation, it is projected as a safe route for the economic and social reincorporation of a large number of its members, at a personal and collective level.


HUMANICEMOS DH, is a civil organization dedicated to the Comprehensive Action Against Antipersonnel Mines – AICMA, which delivers products and services that meet the applicable requirements and meet the expectations of its stakeholders; for which it is committed to strengthening and expanding its operational capacity, with a strict planning of its activities as a basis for optimizing resources and maximizing the scope of results, with strengthening the skills of its staff and their sense of inclusion in society, maintenance and continuous improvement of its comprehensive management system.


HUMANICEMOS DH is a civil organization dedicated to the Comprehensive Action Against Antipersonnel Mines – AICMA, which promotes life, environmental sustainability and is committed to allocating the necessary resources to ensure the development and continuous improvement of the Comprehensive Management System. , through the development and implementation of Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management Programs; thus guaranteeing compliance with applicable and current Colombian legislation, in terms of health, safety and environment (HSE).

The Management of HUMANICEMOS DH assumes the responsibility of promoting a healthy and safe work environment, allocating the necessary human, physical and financial resources for comprehensive HSE management. The programs developed in HUMANICEMOS DH, will be oriented to the promotion of a preventive and self-care culture, to the intervention of working conditions that may cause accidents or occupational diseases, to the control of absenteeism and to the preparation for emergencies. All employees, contractors and temporary workers will be responsible for complying with safety standards and procedures, in order to carry out safe and productive work, they will also be responsible for promptly notifying all those conditions that may generate consequences and contingencies for employees and the organization.

  • Delivery of lands free of suspicion of mines for the enjoyment of the peasant communities.
  • Among the components of the Comprehensive Action Against Antipersonnel Mines – AICMA HUMANICEMOS DH will develop Education on the Risk of Mines -ERM to contribute to changes in behavior and safe behavior in the face of the threat of antipersonnel mines in the communities.
  • Generation of jobs for members of the community in the process of reintegration into the economic and social life of the country.
  • Inclusion in the issue of gender and diversity for equal pay; equity to hold senior positions and maintain the balance that allows the goal of up to 20% of female staff linked to HUMANICEMOS DH to be met.

Manage the achievement and acquisition of financial resources necessary for the sustainability of HUMANICEMOS DH.

Project transparency in accountability to build trust and strengthen the legitimacy of HUMANICEMOS DH.

Guarantee that resources are invested efficiently in accordance with the needs of HUMANICEMOS DH.

Achieve operational capacity by executing the mission processes of Non-Technical Study – ENT and Manual Clearance – DM through training and accreditation of human teams for the development of activities.

Implement the Mine Risk Education Plan – ERM established by HUMANICEMOS DH and approved by the National Authority.
Deliver land free of suspicion of Antipersonnel Mines – MAP and Unexploded Ordnance – MSE to the communities and interested parties.

Achieve that the National Authority authorizes the operational deployment of the organization based on a continuous assignment of tasks.

Build the Humanitarian Demining and MRE operations plan and submit it to the National Authority for the deployment of previously defined personnel, for the execution of activities.
Implement and execute the approved plan in accordance with the Approved Operational Procedures – POA in a step by step.
Deliver the products, results of the activities carried out in the land release process and Mine Risk Education to the peasant communities, authorities, donors and other interested parties.

Establish and implement a comprehensive education and training plan for HUMANICEMOS DH personnel, which allows personal and organizational growth, through the acquisition of knowledge in a multidimensional perspective.


In compliance with the legal and regulatory duties established in Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and Single Decree 1074 of 2015, partially modified by Decree 090 of 2018 and External Circular 002 of 2015, including the regulations that emanate of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and any other applicable local data protection legislation, the COLOMBIAN BRIGADE CORPORATION OF EX COMBATANTS FOR PEACE AND HUMANITARIAN DEMINING, a company legally constituted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Colombia identified with NIT. 901077047-5 located at calle 44c N° 52 – 55 in the city of Bogotá and with telephone number +57 (1) 3004488 (hereinafter, the “HUMANICEMOS DH issues the following Policy for the protection and treatment of Personal Data (hereinafter, the “Politics”).


HUMANICEMOS DH It is the only Humanitarian Demining organization in the world that is made up of people in the process of reincorporation, who have knowledge of the communities and their environment in this way helps directly in the generation of jobs for members of the community in the process of reincorporation. to the economic and social life of the country

Personnel in the reincorporation process 78
Support staff 26
Women 34
Men 70
We are a structured and autonomous humanitarian demining organization, consolidated and proven in its administrative and operational capacity.
Our mission also includes work for the benefit of communities and the development of economic and social activities in the territories.
Establish and implement a comprehensive education and training plan for HUMANICEMOS DH staff, which allows personal and organizational growth.
Through our educational activities, we contribute to changes in behavior and safe behavior in the face of the threat of antipersonnel mines in communities.
Generation of jobs for members of the community in the process of reintegration into the economic and social life of the country.
Our policy includes strengthening relationships with national and international players in the sector, building lasting strategic alliances.
equal pay; equity to occupy decision-making positions. Our goal is that 20% of linked personnel should be women.


Proyecto piloto- El OrejónPilot Project - El Orejón
Start of the humanitarian demining pilot project in the village of El Orejón, municipality of Briceño, Antioquia.
Saint Helena Pilot Project
Humanitarian Demining Pilot Project in the village of Santa Helena, municipality of Mesetas, Meta.
Delivery of El Orejón and Chirí Lands
Technical closure and delivery of land clear of suspicion of mines to the community of El Orejón and Chirí.
Start the formation of HUMANICEMOS DH. HUMANICEMOS DH is taken off. As of this date, UNMAS begins the accompaniment/mentoring of the implementation of the project.
First Training Workshop
First Training Workshop on integrated mine action "Trainer of Trainers" for the HUMANICEMOS DH Board of Directors under the direction of Descontamina Colombia, OAS, UNMAS, EU.
Visits to ZVTN and PTN begin.
The group of trainers visits the ZVTN (and PTN (Transition Zones) to socialize HUMANICEMOS DH and its role within the integral action against mines-AICMA , with the people in reincorporation process.
Governance Course
Corporate Governance Course for the Board of Directors of HUMANICEMOS DH, given by GICDH.
Constitution of HUMANICEMOS DH
HUMANICEMOS DH formalizes its incorporation as a legal entity before the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota. Even without funds for its financing, it begins to elaborate the operational procedures and initiates all the documentary process that must be presented by any organization that aspires to do humanitarian demining in Colombia.
HUMANICEMOS DH is accredited as a humanitarian demining organization.
The management of financial resources for the organization continues. UNMAS and HUMANICEMOS DH start the elaboration of the project, which is then submitted to the United Nations Multi-Donor Fund, through UNMAS.
Agreement between APN and HUMANICEMOS DH
Support in Humanitarian Demining operations, including the identification of areas contaminated by MAP, AEI, MUSE or REG. The agreement ends on February 28, 2018, with a result of 17 confirmed hazardous areas - APC in the villages of Pueblo Nuevo, Buena Vista, El Orejón, Altos de Chirí, El pescado and La Mina.
Humanitarian Action in Rio Grande
Operation that engaged the National Authority, the military forces, Descontamina Colombia, UNMAS, HUMANICEMOS DH, local authorities and community, on November 3, 2017 the humanitarian action was carried out in the Río Grande village, between the municipalities Apartadó and turbo, Antioquia.
Explosives found and destroyed
With the participation of HUMANICEMOS DH personnel, an area of approximately 100 m2 was identified where Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were found and destroyed (%): one (1) of 15 kg and four (4) in 15 L gallons (approximately 60 kg of explosives).
Humanitarian Action in the village of Chigorodó Alto-Frasquillo
In a meeting convened by the National Authority, and in the presence of community leaders and representatives, local authorities and others responsible for the operation, the delegate of HUMANICEMS DH explained the commitment of the personnel in the process of reincorporation to contribute to the identification of the area where the explosive device was located, which posed a risk to the community.
Two (2) Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) Found and Destroyed
The contribution of personnel in the process of reincorporation, among them a HUMANICEMOS DH. director, was decisive to identify the place where two (2) Improvised Explosive Devices - IEDs of 15 and 6 kg were found and destroyed.
Signing of the Grant Agreement with the United Nations Multi-Donor Fund
Signing of a grant agreement with the United Nations Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MPTF) to support the establishment and development of technical and administrative capacities of a civilian humanitarian demining organization to facilitate the reincorporation of former FARC-EP combatants in Colombia.
Agreement between HALO TRUST and HUMANICEMOS DH
Agreement is initiated within the framework of the MPTF project to train 44 people.
Reception of funds from the United Nations Multidonor Fund
Received funds from the United Nations Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MPTF) to support the establishment and development of technical and administrative capacities of a civilian humanitarian demining organization to facilitate the reincorporation of former FARC-EP combatants in Colombia. Opening of the central office in Bogota
HUMANICEMOS DH signs contracts
HUMANICEMOS DH's executive and managerial staff sign contracts
Agreement with NPA
Agreement with NPA for the training of 20 people, Initiates agreement within the framework of the MPTF project between HUAMNICEMOS DH and Norwegian People's Aid to train people in the process of reincorporation.
Cynthia Mahoney
Cynthia Mahoney assumes project management.
First Non-Technical Survey and Manual Clearance Course
HUMANICEMOS DH executives start training cycles for the HUMANICEMOS DH component at the regional base.
Receipt of the fourth component
Reception of the fourth component linked to HUMANICEMOS DH within the framework of the project with the MPTF.
Regional Base Launch in Aguabonita 2
Municipality of La Montañita-Caquetá, with the presence of delegates from the sector, the Humanitarian Demining Brigade, the Director of Descontamina Colombia, delegate of the National Council for Reincorporation - CNR, directors of UNMAS Colombia, directors and delegates of the Humanitarian Demining organizations and representatives of the United Nations Multi-Donor Fund.
Humanitarian action in Gaitania in the Alto Sano village
Corregimiento de Gaitania Tolima, with the support of personnel in the process of reincorporation, 15 Improvised Explosive Devices were located and destroyed.
Space for socialization of Humanitarian Action in the presence of community leaders.
After the destruction, the delegate of the national authority - Descontamina Colombia opened a space for socialization of the Humanitarian Action in the presence of community leaders, who had already been consulted and informed of the action, military, delegates of the local authority of the municipality of Planadas, and the township of Gaitania, Tolima, the delegate of UNMAS and the representative of HUMANICEMOS DH, who participated in the exchange.
Village leaders hail humanitarian action
The leaders of the Alto Sano, Puerto Limón, El oso and La Unión villages, which benefited from the humanitarian action, saluted the example of coordination between the government, the humanitarian demining operators and the community.
The Halo Trust finalizes process
The Halo Trust completes project withdrawal process with the transfer of the second group of 20 trained individuals
HUMANICEMOS DH Accreditation Renewal
Approval of operating procedures
Approval of the administrative operating procedures developed in the different management areas of HUMANICMEOS DH.
Second phase of the Humanicemos Project begins
Second phase of the Humanicemos Project begins, financed by the European Fund for Peace. UNMAS provides technical assistance and training to HUMANICEMOS DH* staff.
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with UNMAS
The Government of Colombia and the UN sign a Memorandum of Understanding that designates UNMAS as the external monitoring and evaluation component in charge of verifying that HUMANICEMOS DH has the technical capacity to carry out humanitarian demining work.
Start of workshops and analysis
Start of workshops and analysis of the environment for the creation of the HUMANICEMOS DH strategic plan.
UNMAS begins formal training
UNMAS begins formal training in humanitarian demining, after a pause caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which forced to rethink the whole training process.
17 people in the process of reincorporation pass the evaluations conducted by UNMAS
A first group of 17 people in the process of reincorporation passed the evaluations carried out by UNMAS, allowing them to be certified by Descontamina Colombia in Non-Technical Studies (NTS).
10 HUMANICEMOS DH members pass evaluations
10 HUMANICEMOS DH members pass evaluations in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Level 1, and 17 as advanced medical support, personnel necessary to be able to deploy NCD teams in the communities.
HUMANICEMOS DH deploys its first NCD teams
In the communities of La Montañita, Caquetá, with the objective of identifying areas with explosive ordnance contamination that will be intervened. During this deployment, the first two Confirmed Dangerous Areas (CDA) were identified in one of the municipality's villages.
HUMANICEMOS DH deploys TDM equipment
HUMANICEMOS DH deploys TDM teams in the communities of La Montañita, Caquetá, with the objective of eliminating threats to the territory.
Discovery of the first Antipersonnel Mine
One week after the start of the clearing work, the first MAP antipersonnel mine was confirmed to have been found in a confirmed hazardous area of the Cordillera Union in the municipality of La Montañita.
Meeting directed and coordinated with the German and Norwegian embassies
As part of the visibility strategy of the HUMANICEMOS DH project.
POAS update
Beginning of the update of the POAS to the Colombian Technical Standard condition, evidencing the commitment with the quality of the processes and the fulfillment of the work.
Delivery of 1,974 m2 free of antipersonnel mines.
HUMANICEMOS DH with the support of the European Fund for Peace delivered to the indigenous reservation of the Embera Chamí community, 1,974 m2 free of antipersonnel mines as an act of reconciliation and reparation.
UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres visited HUMANICEMOS DH
For the commemoration of the 5th anniversary of the peace agreement, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres visited HUMANICEMOS DH at the Peace is Productive Fair.
Training and Strengthening Workshop
Training and Capacity Building Workshop on Internal Quality Assurance by UNMAS
Peace signatories deliver three new areas free of suspected antipersonnel landmines
Peace signatories deliver three new areas free of suspected antipersonnel mines in La Montañita, Caquetá: HUMANICEMOS DH delivered three areas free of suspected mines, directly and indirectly benefiting the population living in two villages in the municipality of La Montañita, Caquetá.
HUMANICEMOS DH celebrated its fifth anniversary
With recreational activities and together with the community, we celebrated 5 years as the only Organization of Integral Action Against Mines (AICMA) in the world, formed and led, in essence, by people in the process of Reincorporation.
HUMANICEMOS DH present International Meeting of Directors of National Anti-Personnel Mine Action Programs
Participation was carried out under the Humanitarian - Development - Peace Nexus, which involves HUMANICEMOS DH.
New financiers
The Swiss Embassy - Humanitarian Aid and Development SDC and the United Nations Multi-Donor Peace Sustaining Fund are the new funders of HUMANICEMOS DH.
Project closing
The project financed by the European Union in Colombia through the European Fund for Peace and the technical assistance of UNMAS was successfully completed.
Visit of the High Commissioner for Peace
He visited the Training and Operations Base in Caquetá to learn about the Corporation's progress in humanitarian demining and mine risk education activities in the department.
Training on Gender and Inclusion
The first training was given to 100% of HUMANICEMOS DH staff on sexual and gender diversity, in order to promote inclusion in the community environments in which we work.
Portfolio Awards 2022 Nomination
The Corporation was nominated in the category: Contribution to the Community.
Visit by the Procuraduría General de la Nación (Attorney General's Office)
He visited the Training and Operations Base to follow up on the implementation of the peace agreements and to learn about the process being carried out by the Corporation as part of the Comprehensive Action against Antipersonnel Mines activities.
Visit Magistrates of the JEP Colombia
Camilo Andrés Suárez, Ana Manuela Ochoa Arias and Juan Ramón Martínez, accompanied by their team, and the delegation of the UN Colombia Mission, visited the Training and Operations Base in Caquetá, where they socialized the challenges and projections of HUMANICEMOS DH, together with the process of reincorporation of personnel, emphasizing the approach of action without harm.
Five signatories of the Corporation's Peace Agreement successfully complete high school and graduate with baccalaureate degrees.
Participation in the National Dialogue on Humanitarian Demining
Comprehensive Action against Antipersonnel Mines and its Contribution to Total Peace
Visit to the Association of Mine Survivors "United for Life" of Caquetá
The alliance with the Association is created to provide technical support based on the Corporation's knowledge and lessons learned, to strengthen the process implemented and developed by the Association, within the framework of Integrated Mine Action.
New Assignment
HUMANICEMOS DH will expand its operations to another department in the country. He was assigned Zone 2 in the municipality of Apartadó, Antioquia, to carry out humanitarian demining and mine risk education operations.
New External Monitoring Component (CEM)
After the termination of the CEM by UNMAS Colombia, OAS assumed the role of HUMANICEMOS DH for humanitarian demining operations.
Successful completion of the evaluation of 19 Manual Clearance Technique trainees
The course was taught by HUMANICEMOS DH instructors and evaluated by the OAS External Monitoring Component.
Latin America and the Caribbean regional gender event
The event, organized by SDC in Bolivia, was attended by Director Ángela Orrego. There, the best exhibition and the most interesting experience were recognized and an exchange of experiences took place.
Event Delivery of Information within the Tripartite Mechanism OACP / AICMA / MVONU - CNR / COMUNES
Deputy Director Uberley Tuberquia participated in the event, highlighting the commitment and participation of HUMANICEMOS DH in peace building spaces.
Completion of the Section Leaders and Team Leaders course:
As part of the construction of the multitask teams for the Corporation, the Corporation's instructors successfully delivered 2 more courses.
First link in the municipality of Apartadó, Antioquia
The first liaison was held with Luz Patricia Correa Madrigal, Director of Human Rights and Victims of the Secretariat of Institutional Affairs Peace and Nonviolence, and Silvia Ortiz, professional from the office for #AICMA issues of the Governor's Office of Antioquia.
May, 2015
November, 2015
Dicember, 2016
May, 2017
March, 2017
April 2017
April, 2017
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November, 2017
November, 2017
November, 2017
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Dicember, 2017
Dicember, 2017
January , 2018
March, 2018
March, 2018
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Abril, 2018
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Agost, 2018
Agost 2018
Agost 2018
Agost 2018
Agost 2018
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November 2022
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Dicember 2022
January 2023
March 2023
April 2023
April 2023
April 2023
April 2023
May 2023
May 2023

With the support of